Why it’s Really Hard to Manage Your Time

If you are like most business owners or leaders, it’s no wonder you’re overwhelmed— you have way too much on your plate. There’s too much to do and too little time to do it.

You’re not alone. Very few people truly know how to manage their time well. It’s often because they have bad habits related to time management. 

Here’s a test for you:

  • Do you have a clear idea of what your work goals and objectives are every day? 
  • Do you know why you’re doing what you’re doing? 
  • Are you easily distracted and do you constantly find yourself checking email and social media? 
  • Do you feel that you put in a solid daily effort? 
  • Are you tired at the end of the day but can’t put your finger on what you really accomplished that matters?

A fact that I find whips people back to reality is that we all have the same 24 hours or 1440 minutes in every day. 

There are people out there who achieve their goals much more quickly than the average person. Those self-made millionaires and billionaires out there have the same amount of time to work each day as you do.

We all have lofty goals when it comes to time management. Are you disappointed in yourself as to how you manage your own time? 

You can manage your time as well as those millionaires and billionaires. You can work less and earn more money, whether you work for yourself or you work for an employer.

If only you could get more done, you reason, your life would be so much easier and happier. 

You wouldn’t be so overwhelmed. You wouldn’t have too much on your plate. You’d be more like the people you aspire to be. You’d have more time to do other things you love, like spend more time with your family and friends, or pursuing your hobbies.

Let’s go back to your current situation— the problem is you have slipped into bad time management habits. These bad habits hold you back in more ways than one. Habits become sort of second nature for you. They happen on autopilot, infecting your actions and mindset. They’re not productive; they just happen. 

It can feel impossible to break away from these bad habits. Here’s the good news: It’s NOT impossible! You can easily become more productive and it can happen more quickly than you think.

There are proven methods that will help you change in major ways. Following these tips can help you live the productive life of your dreams.

It’s time to change your bad habits. It’s time to drop the bad and grab hold of new, positive habits that will help you get a lot more done.

It’s time you were able to approach your work with happiness and a feeling of empowerment. Right now, your work style probably makes you feel slow, disorganised, and incompetent. No worries—that’s a thing of the past now.


Why it’s Really Hard to Manage Your Time

First, let’s talk more about why it’s hard to manage your time. A big part of the reason is because we live in an age with unlimited distractions. There are the typical distractions of family and life. Those are necessary distractions that can be managed better. 

There are also unproductive, time-wasting distractions that should be eliminated.

Distractions All Around

You can do something about most of the distractions you encounter. If you think about your typical workday, how many times do you tend to check your email and social media accounts? How many times do you find yourself watching funny videos on YouTube or reading an update from your favourite blogger? Those are the kind of distractions you need to do something about.

There are also distractions in your environment. For instance, maybe you’re trying to work in a cluttered room or at a cluttered desk. Maybe there’s a lot of noise around you – either from other people working, your family (if you work from home), street noise, sirens, and so on.

The good news is that most of these distractions can be handled. You can stop yourself from wasting time online or wear headphones to block the noise. You can do something about your cluttered environment, your cluttered mind, and time-wasting distractions. You can change a lot about your work environment and mindset, therefore eliminating most of the distractions you’ll encounter.

Dealing with Uncertainty

Another reason it’s hard to manage your time is because you are probably dealing with uncertainty. 

Are you very clear on your goals? Do you know exactly what you’re doing and why you’re doing it? Do you have huge work projects looming in front of you and you don’t know what to do first? Have changing circumstances impacted on what you need to do next or how you will need to do it?

Part of successfully managing your time is eliminating uncertainty. You need to have a solid grasp on your personal goals and your work goals. It’s no wonder that you don’t get a lot done if you don’t know exactly what you’re supposed to be working on every day and why.

Indeed, one of the major things that separates successful people from those who are less successful is that successful people know exactly what their goals are. 

Not only do they know what their goals are, but they have most likely written them down and set time frames for their completion. They know exactly which actions they can take to accomplish their goals. They don’t give up – they move forward until they have exactly what they want.

If getting clarity on exactly what you need to do in the next 90 days is important to you have a look at our 90 Day Action Plan   http://kmginfo.com/go/90day-action-plan 

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