Why Bad Habits Are Hard to Break

Bad habits are frustrating and difficult to break, but why are some so hard to shake? Let’s explore three common reasons why bad habits are so stubborn and what you can do to overcome them.

1. Your Life Is Out of Alignment
Bad habits often arise when something in your life or work is out of balance. Maybe you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or perhaps you’re not getting enough sleep or exercise. Whatever the case, when something in your life or work is off kilter, it can be hard to break a bad habit.

What is out of alignment? Here are some common examples and what to do to fix it:
• Sleep/energy levels – Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet.
• Stress/anxiety – Engage in stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation, walking or deep breathing exercises.
• Time management – Create a daily routine and schedule specific tasks to maximise your productivity.
• Finances – Develop a budget and stick with it.
• Relationships – Spend quality time with your family and friends.
• Work/life balance – Set boundaries between work and leisure activities so that you can rest and relax during off-hours and work effectively during work hours.

It’s important to identify what might be out of alignment and put in the effort to fix it.

To determine what is out of alignment in your life you may need to practice reflective thinking or mindfulness or keep a journal to help you figure out what’s not right for you.

For example, if you have low energy, is it due to your diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress, or anxiety, or is your time management needing some work?

This requires brutal honesty about what you may be doing to cause this misalignment.

2. You Don’t Understand Why You Are Doing It
Sometimes, people engage in bad habits without really understanding why. Maybe you’re doing it out of boredom, to cope with negative emotions, or simply because it’s a habit you’ve always had.

It is difficult to address the issue without understanding the root cause of your bad habits so that you can make lasting changes.

Thankfully, it only takes a few steps that will allow you to get to the root cause of a bad habit:
1. Identify the habit
2. Track your behaviour
3. Ask yourself hard questions
4. Take action

Take the time to observe the bad habit so you can determine what exactly the bad habit is.

Take notes when the habit occurs. Ask yourself why. Write down the situation or emotions you experience that triggers the habit.

Ask yourself these hard questions to identify and understand any underlying causes, especially the payoff you get from performing the bad habit.


3. You Focus Only On the Endpoint, Which Overwhelms You
Breaking a bad habit is sometimes overwhelming.

This is especially true if you’re only focusing on the endpoint rather than the steps it takes to get there. So instead of trying to quit a habit cold turkey, it is often more effective to focus on small, achievable steps.

For example, if you’re trying to stop procrastinating, try setting yourself a goal to work on that task for just 15 minutes each day, after which you can reward yourself by working on a more pleasant task.

You’ll be more prone to sticking to your new habit and making lasting changes by taking small steps that accumulate over time.

Bad habits can be hard to break. However, by understanding the root cause of your habit, focusing on small, achievable steps, identifying what might be out of alignment in your life, and working to correct the issues, you are sure to overcome your bad habits and create lasting change.

Characteristics of a business mindset

As a coach I see many people who have developed a business mindset, one which supports them to build a successful business. Let’s explore some of the key characteristics of a business mindset that you can develop to boost your own success.

Prioritise one goal1. Goal-oriented

A business mindset means you are focused on achieving specific goals and objectives. It involves setting clear targets and developing strategies to achieve them.

You will often hear me reminding you of how important it is to set goals and take action to achieve them. That’s because it’s probably one of the most important characteristics or habits that you can develop.

Go back over any goals you have previously had and not yet achieved. What do you need to do to get started taking action right now to achieve them?

2. Risk-taking

Successful business often involves taking calculated risks. A business mindset involves being willing to take risks, and having the courage to face potential failures and setbacks.

Maybe you have heard successful people joke about how often they failed before becoming an ‘overnight success’. The truth is we don’t notice all the hurdles someone else faces along the way. Less successful people give up after the first hurdle to avoid any more failure. Which are you?

3. Adaptability

In the fast-changing world of business, it is important to be adaptable and flexible. A business mindset involves being able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and market conditions. Sometimes this modifies the actions we need to take to achieve our goals. But it doesn’t usually mean we have to abandon a goal, just that we may need to rethink the required actions.

4. Innovation

Successful businesses are often built on innovative ideas and products. A business mindset involves being creative and constantly seeking out new ideas and solutions.

Even applying an idea or a tool from one context in a new context can be innovative. Often we get so involved in our own business that we don’t appreciate what we are doing or offering our customers that they see as innovative. Talk to you customers regularly to see if there is any innovation that they would love to see you embrace.

5. Customer-focused

A business mindset is centred around meeting the needs of customers. It involves understanding their needs and preferences, and developing products and services that meet those needs. This can be related to innovation in new products or services, as I was discussing above, or it might relate to common customer concerns such as communication, simplification or consistency.

How long since you talked to your customers?

6. Continuous learning

Successful business owners are constantly learning and improving. A business mindset involves a willingness to learn, to seek out new knowledge and skills, and to continuously improve.

Making time for personal and business development programs can sometimes seem hard, but one good idea, implemented in your business, can be the difference between mediocracy and success. So cultivate a habit of continuously learning and apply what you learn.

7. Results-driven

A business mindset is focused on achieving results. It involves setting clear performance targets and developing strategies to achieve them. Being results-driven is what gives setting goals its super power.

Successful business people don’t want to achieve just any results. They are determined to achieve the results that will move them closer to their goals. How results-driven are you? Do you track your results?

8. Resilience

Building a successful business requires resilience and perseverance. A business mindset involves being able to overcome challenges and setbacks, and to keep pushing forward.

Coping with setbacks can be difficult but it is a skill that can be developed. And developing this skill will make your future business, and life, much more rewarding because we all face setbacks. If this is a skill you need to develop more, check out my Coping With Setbacks course now.

9. Strategic thinking

A business mindset involves strategic thinking, and the ability to develop visionary long-term plans and strategies. It involves considering multiple factors, such as market conditions, competition, and customer needs, in order to make informed decisions. The goals and targets we set need to support those long-term plans and strategies in order for us to be successful.

Do you have a strategic plan for your business? Plus a detailed list of goals that support it?


10. Financial acumen

Successful businesses require strong financial management. A business mindset involves understanding key financial metrics, such as revenue, profit, and cash flow, and making informed financial decisions to invest in tools and education in order to acquire necessary skills and capacity.

11. Leadership

Building and running a successful business requires effective leadership. A business mindset involves the ability to inspire and motivate others, to delegate tasks, and to create a positive work culture.

Even if you are running your business on your own, you still need to develop the leadership necessary to work with suppliers and to outsource certain tasks.

12. Time management

Successful business owners make efficient use of time. They have the basic skills and the mindset necessary for managing time effectively, prioritising tasks, and avoiding distractions. Really successful business owners dive deep into how to maximise every minute and achieve more in less time. How good are you at managing your time?

Are they characteristics you have developed yet? The personal development required to consciously acquire these characteristics is a priority for most successful business owners and entrepreneurs.

Business Mindset Hacks

These twelve characteristics are actively developed by all successful business owners I know. If you would like to work on some or all of them in a coaching program I’m here to help. Just contact me and tell me what draws your attention.

Cultivate a habit of continuously learning and applying what you have learned to become better every day.
If you just want a course to help, grab this quick audio course now to develop your business mindset.


Productivity Secrets

Productivity Secrets – The Benefits of Planning and Prioritisation

Planning and prioritisation are crucial for increasing your productivity. Proper planning helps you focus on the most important tasks and will bring you closer to achieving your goals. In addition, when you plan and prioritise your work, it ensures that you are using your time efficiently, helping you avoid wasting time.

Plus, you’re more likely to reach your goals when you identify and overcome obstacles. Not to mention that planning and prioritisation keep you organised and on track, reducing stress and improving your overall productivity.

While planning and prioritising may seem like a lot of work in and of itself, it’s work that pays off in the end. Here are some of the benefits of prioritising and planning for productivity.

You’ll Be More Organised

When you have a clear plan, you know precisely why, where, what, when, and how you’re doing the thing – whatever it is. It’ll make it more likely that you finish. Just the fact that you know why you are doing it is a procrastination killer. This information ensures that you stay focused and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the demands of life.

You’ll Know What Action Is Most Impactful

Prioritising and planning your work based on its impact allows you to get more done and still be less busy. When you prioritise tasks, you can focus your efforts on the tasks that are most critical to achieving your goals rather than wasting time on tasks that are not as important, helping you use your time and resources effectively.

You’ll Plan How to Beat Obstacles

Identifying and overcoming obstacles is a critical part of prioritising and planning. When you plan and prioritise your work, you will identify potential obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them, ensuring that you stay on track and that unexpected challenges do not sideline you. Even if the exact roadblock isn’t what you planned for, just having prepared for potential roadblocks will give you a head start in overcoming them.

You’ll Be More Productive

Planning and prioritisation are essential for boosting productivity without making you busier. You will likely use your time and resources effectively and efficiently when given advance consideration.

There is no substitute for doing your due diligence before you sit down to work on any of your goals. Knowing which actions will get the most results based on data will ensure your actions are more effective, and the experience will be motivating in and of itself.

12 Week Sprint Planner

As you can see, taking the time to prioritise and plan each action is more effective. Plus, planning will help you stay organised, reduce stress, and improve your overall productivity long term. This is because through planning and prioritisation, you’ll have essentially created step-by-step directions so that you know exactly what to do on any given day.

It’s always a great time to sit down and plan out your work according to your priorities, and there’s no better time than now. Check out our 12 Week Sprint Planner if you struggle to achieve the goals you set yourself or never get past the first month of any new project.


Habit Stacking

How to Use Habit Stacking Effectively to Transform Your Life

Your habits will make or break you. This is especially true if you’re an entrepreneur who’s trying to build a thriving business. Unlike working for someone else where you can ‘slack off’ every now and then and still not suffer, you don’t have such a luxury when you work for yourself.

Everything is on you and if you don’t have the right habits, failure is inevitable. Like author Jack Canfield says, “Your habits will determine your future.”
One of the best ways to instil a few beneficial habits in your life will be to use habit stacking.

What is habit stacking?

Habit stacking is a strategy where you group a few habits together into a routine. Every single day, you’ll go through this routine without fail. Over time, not only will the routine become second nature to you, but you’d have ingrained the positive habits into your daily life.

Why it matters?

When habits are stacked into a routine, you’ll not need to constantly think of each habit as an individual task that has to be completed on its own. It’s more difficult to treat each habit as an isolated event and aim to complete it regularly.
A habit stacking routine will increase your compliance. Let’s look at an example.
Imagine that you’re trying to cultivate 5 new habits that you aren’t accustomed to. Most books will tell you not to work on more than 2 or 3 habits at once because it’s difficult to spread your efforts, but with habit stacking, you’ll just be completing a routine that has it all.

In this example, the 5 habits we will explore will be:

  • Reading for 15 minutes a day
  • Meditate for 5 minutes a day
  • Drinking more water daily
  • Practice 10 minutes of yoga daily
  • Gratitude journaling for 10 minutes daily

Now, if you were to haphazardly work on each habit whenever you felt like it, you’d inevitably miss 1 or 2 habits every now and then. But here’s what happens with a habit stacking routine…

You wake up in the morning and once you’re done brushing your teeth, you do your yoga practice for 10 minutes. After that, you’ll drink a litre of water. The next step will be to meditate for 5 minutes.

When you’re done meditating, you’ll take out your gratitude journal and write down 3 things that you’re grateful for. When that’s completed, you’ll read for 15 minutes.
By the time you’ve completed this routine, it might have taken you about 30 minutes or so. During these 30 minutes, you’ve completed ALL 5 habits that you’re trying to cultivate. Do this daily for 2 months and these habits will be a part of you.

This is much easier than trying to fit in each habit whenever time permits.

How to do it effectively

When creating a habit stacking routine, it should feel natural and sequential. For example, if your goal is to exercise daily… and you have another goal of increasing your flexibility, you may wish to follow up each exercise session with a 15-minute stretching routine.

Now you have a short habit stacking routine. Thinking of hydrating more often? Add the habit of drinking a litre of water at the end of each session. Now you have a little routine that incorporates all 3 habits.

Alternatively, if you wish to instil a habit where you stop using digital devices 2 hours before bed, you may decide to meditate, stretch, read, gratitude journal, spend time with your family, or add in a few other habits to occupy time that you normally spend in front of the screen.

The goal of habit stacking is to make things easier for you. So don’t do too much too soon. Have a logical flow when it comes to stacking the habits.

You may wish to set a fixed time limit for each habit. In this way, you’ll not go overboard. Consistency is more important than quantity in the beginning.

So, your habit stacking routine may be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and should allow you to accomplish the daily habit tasks without much ado.

Tracking your compliance with habit stacking

It would be a good idea to keep a journal and record down your compliance rate. For example, if you have 5 habits to work on and you complete all on Monday, you’d have a 100% compliance rate.

If you neglect the entire routine, you’d have a 0% compliance rate. If you only completed 4 out of the 5 habits, you’d have an 80% compliance rate.

Generally, if you have a smooth routine, you’ll have a 100% compliance rate, provided you start on it.

If you notice that you’re constantly neglecting one or two habits or you’re not working on the habit stack, you may need to alter the routine or move it to another time of the day and see if it improves your compliance rate.

Basic Success SkillsIt’s all a matter of trial and error. Once you get it right, you’ll breeze through it daily and master the habits in no time.

The importance of your daily habits cannot be overstated. So, practice habit stacking and develop positive habits that will help you live a rewarding life.

Check out our Audio course on 10 Basic Success Skills to learn positive habits worth developing.


5 Principles of Success Every Entrepreneur Should Embrace

Success leaves clues. If you looked at some of the most successful people on the planet, you’d realise that most of them have a few common traits. It doesn’t matter what field they’re in or where they started from… they still follow the 5 principles of success below.

If you’re planning to start your own business or take your business to the next level, you’d do well to adhere to the principles below.

Have a solid plan

Dwight D. Eisenhower (34th President of the United States) once said, “Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.”

What he means is that you must plan out your goals and your journey to achieve them.
What will you do? What resources will you need?

You need to plan it all out. However, life has a way of throwing us curve balls.

You can’t predict what will happen and might have to alter your plans… BUT… you still must have a plan going into battle.

And yes, achieving your goals will be a battle indeed. So make sure you have a solid plan and make changes to it accordingly when you need to.


Serve others

Zig Ziglar once said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”

This is especially true in business when you need to sell something to make a profit. If your products alleviate a problem, solve a need or satisfy a desire, you can bet you’ll sell tons of them and generate a hefty profit.

It all begins with keeping other people in mind. By helping others (and charging them for it), you’ll have a thriving business.

Always do your best

The most successful people always go the extra mile. They work harder, they train longer and they constantly strive to exceed expectations. They know that’s the formula to success.

Like motivational guru, Jim Rohn, said, “Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.”
And that’s what the best of the best do. They’re always trying to get better.

Keep the main thing the main thing

If you want success in life, it’s crucial you focus on what matters. Your energy goes where your attention goes – and you only have so much energy each day. High performance individuals are often highly focused.

You’ll seldom find them to be couch potatoes watching TV all day. You’ll not see them frittering hours away Tweeting or ranting on Facebook. They have other more important work to do.

If you want to be successful, you need to focus on activities that will lead to you being successful. It’s that straightforward.

100% accountability

Successful people hold themselves accountable for everything they do. They believe that they’re 100% responsible for their own life… and they’ll not give up ownership of their future to the government or other individuals.

An entitlement mindset is the last thing you’ll ever find with most high achievers. They know the world owes them nothing. So they approach their goals with a hunger and drive that’s lacking in the millions of people who expect success to be handed to them on a plate.

As a coach I can help you with accountability, if this is something you struggle with.  Contact me for more information if you are ready to step up your accountability. 

The 5 principles of success above are just the tip of the iceberg, but they’re as good a place as any to start. Grasp the fundamentals, and slowly improve your life and your business by eliminating procrastination, adopting better habits and setting bigger goals.

Business Mindset HacksCheck out my Business Mindset Hacks Audio course  for more secrets to building a business that you love and which brings you all the success you deserve.


Grow a Successful Business

Growing a successful business can be challenging but it is well-worth the effort. Many successful businesses follow similar tips and strategies to get there, depending on their niche, topics, and potential customer-base.

First, Get Organised

If you want to ensure success and make it a little bit easier, get organized. Establishing systems is your first step to getting organized. If you are always searching for needed items, you will only waste your time and cause poor decisions. If you can’t do it personally, this is an excellent place to hire an expert. Organization keeps you more consistent and establishes good time management habits that are vital to a successful business.

Befriend and Learn from Your Competition

Know your competition inside and out. Don’t let any detail get away from you. Know their top products and understand their audience. What problem is being solved? How are they solving it, and are their customers happy? Use this information to see if you can develop products to help.

Then find ways to collaborate, creating a win, win situation for yourself and your competition. Taking customers is a lot harder than sharing. It also opens your business up to more connections and opportunities.

Get to Know Your Audience

While it may sound repetitive, knowing who your audience is, is essential. Get to know your audience; if you don’t, you won’t succeed. The most successful business provide value or solve a problem for their audience. If you don’t know your audience, you can’t possibly solve their problems.


Create Multiple Streams of Revenue

Develop more than one stream of income to increase your chances of success. Keep them consistent and ensure they relate to your overall business strategies. Multiple income streams can be a lifesaver during slow seasons or even when mistakes or things change unexpectedly in your industry.

Market and Sell to Your Ideal Customers

Focus on connecting with your ideal customers and target market. You may be tempted to offer products or services that your target market doesn’t want or need; however, this just wastes your time and money in the long run. It also tends to confuse your target market regarding your expertise and what they can expect from you.

Self-Care Enhances Business Success

Your health and happiness are just as important as the success of your business. If you are unhealthy and unhappy, those feelings can leech out into all areas of your business. If you want your business to be successful, you must take care of your own needs, because your business reflects your attitudes, moods, and thoughts.

The bottom-line here is begin as you intend to go. Just as you nurture your business to grow successfully, you also need to nurture yourself, your target market, and everyone involved with the business.

Business EssentialsJoin me for Business Essentials, a weekly training program where we do a deep dive into the tips, tactics and strategies every online marketer really needs to know to succeed.  

Every week for 26 weeks we look at the “essentials” … every online business owner needs to be applying these strategies. And they are “evergreen”, meaning they are valid, long-lasting tactics … not some “here today, gone tomorrow” dodgy tricks. Join now!


Common Reasons for Stress and Distractions

Make time to be thankfulThere are many reasons you may experience stress and distractions these days. Everything is fast paced. This makes it seem like it’s impossible to slow down. You have people pulling at you from every direction, wanting something from you. That is stressful.

However, once you learn the common reasons for your stress and distractions you can reduce or eliminate them from your life.

Here are eight common reasons for stress and distraction and how you can avoid them. 

1. Not Setting Boundaries 

If people interrupt you frequently, taking your focus away from your priority tasks, it may be because you have avoided setting firm boundaries. Tell your coworkers, or your family if you work from home, not to disturb you during specific focusing times. You can always take a break and be with them and help them later. 

2. Not Turning Off Notifications 

Our society is on the go 24/7 due to the advent of smartphones and internet technology. Right now, while you’re reading this, you may even have your smartphone dinging and giving you notifications of discussions that you don’t even really need to take part in. So, turn the
m off while focusing on any key task, whether it’s eating your dinner or doing your bookkeeping. 

3. Not Getting Organised 

It doesn’t matter what people say about being messy. The truth is if you don’t get your spaces orderly and the processes you use organised, it’s hard to get things done within the period you want without a lot of setbacks and stress. Organise your environment to make each task you need to do simple instead of confusing. At the end of each day organise your workspace to make starting on your priorities first up and without distraction, easier.


4. Not Goal Setting 

There is more to setting a goal than stating you want to be rich or author a book or lose weight or whatever it is you want to accomplish. To properly set a goal, you must follow a process that leaves you with a step-by-step task list that will ensure small daily steps end up where you want. Goal setting works for housework, personal goals, and business. If you are unclear about how to do it effectively, it’s worth investing the time to learn. 

5. Not Giving Yourself Enough Time 

Most people forget about all those before and after tasks, they want to do in a given situation. For example, they might say to themselves, “Jonny’s game takes two hours,” but the truth is, it takes time to get ready for the game, time to get to the game, time to be at the game, and then time getting home and ending game night. Johnny’s two-hour match is more like four hours during which you can’t do much else. Ensure you set aside enough time to be present and enjoy taking Jonny to the game to avoid being stressed and distracted while you are there. 

6. Not Having a Supportive Environment 

Whether it’s how your physical environment is set up or how the folks around you behave, having a supportive environment is essential to reduce stress and distraction successfully. Setting boundaries, cleaning up the clutter, and getting organised will help. 

7. Not Having the Right Skills, Tools and Resources 

It’s hard to do anything if you don’t have the right skills, tools and resources. This is true whether you’re attempting to do your dishes or attempting to create the next million-dollar product launch. Access to the right skills, tools and resources is essential to your success. 

8. Not Working with Your Personality 

Knowing who you are and how you work best is essential in designing your days to be most productive. Remember being productive means you get things done, not that you’re busy. If you’re not a morning person trying to do everything in the morning isn’t going to work for you. 

Stress and distractions don’t have to be normal things. You can set up your days to be as stress-free as possible simply by finding ways to reduce distractions that are lowering your productivity. But you need to understand what’s expected, how to do it, what you need to do, and how long it takes to make it all work. 

For more productivity tips and ideas check out My Productivity Blueprints at https://kmginfo.link/mpb  


How to Change – Even When It’s Hard

You’ve likely heard the saying that “change is hard.” You may also have heard the saying that “change is inevitable.”

In fact, there are hundreds of quotes about change because it is a constant and often terrifying aspect of human life. Even when you’re the one who is initiating the change, it can still be difficult. In this article I’m going to share with you three things you can do when you need to change – even when it’s hard.


Let’s imagine you decide that you want to live well and simplify your life at the same time, it’s a positive change and even one you have chosen for yourself – but that still doesn’t make it any easier. 

1. Understand That Change Is Hard

There are several reasons why we struggle with change. One of the most compelling reasons is that it usually means letting go. For example, if you decide to simplify your life, that decision may come with a realisation that you need to downsize your home or move to a less expensive community. You have to let go of the home that you have right now. 

Letting go is difficult for many people. It’s easy to become attached to a current situation even when you know you’re moving to something more positive. That’s another reason why change is so difficult; there is the element of the unknown. 

This can all be amplified when the changes you need to make are imposed on you from some external problem or source. 

You may be fearful of a new situation not working out the way you’d hoped or planned. There’s risk with change. For example, even if your long list of positives outweigh the potential negatives of moving to a smaller home, the unknown elements can be terrifying. 

The risks and the need to let go can prevent you from making change – from living a life that may be more rewarding, fulfilling, and happier. So what do you need to do to take the leap?

2. Have a Vision

One of the most important elements of success is a concrete vision of what you want your future to look like. 

Take time to visualise what living well or having a successful business means to you. Evaluate what you currently have that supports your vision and get rid of the rest. 

Eliminate anything that doesn’t fit into your idea of being successful. Document that vision. Write it down and keep it handy. Consider creating a vision board so you can see your future and embrace it every day.

3. Live Like It Is Already True 

Start behaving as if you’ve already made the changes and are living your envisioned life. This changes your mindset and makes it much easier to take positive steps. You’ll feel confident about change rather than fearful of it.

Finally, tell people about the changes that you’re making and what you are working toward. Surround yourself with people who support you and help you feel positive about your future. Living well is about filling your life with experiences and people that make you feel nourished, happy, and fulfilled. 

Planning helps you to visualise your successful future and live like it’s already true.  When you have a plan and share it with supportive people you can ensure that every action you take moves you towards your goal as you implement the changes you want to make. 

If you need a kickstart to your planning process check out my planning template: How To Make The Next 12 Months Your Best Year Ever. It will walk you through the most important steps in planning for a successful future.  https://kmginfo.link/bestyear   


Goal Setting for Motivational Success

There is a strong connection between setting goals and maintaining the motivation required to successfully attain them.

In fact, in the 1960’s, behavioural research led to an understanding of the relation between these concepts, and theories were developed to shed insight on the concrete ways one influences the other. Let’s take a look at the basis of these theories and then at some of the reasons to utilise goal setting for motivational success. 

Theories of Goal Setting and Motivational Success

The first researcher to study the relationship between goal setting and motivation was Dr. Edwin Locke. He published his findings in 1968. Locke’s Goal Setting Theory concluded that specific goals provided more motivation than vague ones. 

Along these lines, goals that provided a challenge were shown to be better motivators than easier ones. 

In addition, Locke discovered that positive feedback was highly influential toward increasing motivation. 

Essentially, the very act of creating a goal leads to better performance. Decades later, in 1990, Locke paired up with Dr. Gary Latham to develop the Goal Setting and Motivation Theory, whose main premise is that five fundamental principles influence effective goals setting and that goal achievement is more likely when higher numbers of these principles are in place. 


The five fundamental principles of Goal Setting and Motivation Theory are: 

  • Clarity
  • Challenge
  • Complexity
  • Commitment
  • Feedback

In essence, your goals should be clear and provide you with enough of a challenge to entice you to reach them. However, it’s important that these goals not be so complex as to cause frustration or overwhelm; this would be counterproductive. Goals that inspire motivation also should include an aspect of formally committing to them and have a check-in method in place to determine satisfactory progression.

This is why when you tell your coach you are committed to a goal you are even more likely to achieve it than if you try on your own.

Provide a Reference

By developing your objectives through the framework of goal setting theories, you are providing yourself with a tangible reference point to keep you on track. Thus, your motivation is likely to endure. You are able to look at the points you’ve written down in order to remind yourself of your purpose and to validate that you are moving in the right direction. 

Add Manageability

Proper structure of your goals can also make your overall plan seem more attainable. By ensuring that your goals are challenging, you’ll keep your brain stimulated. Breaking things down into short-term and long-term targets, along with relevant strategies, can help you to avoid becoming overwhelmed by one big goal that is simply too complex to be achieved. Motivation is better sustained when you feel some agency over your goals. 

Instil Accountability

By adding a check-in mechanism of some sort, you will be instilling a sense of accountability for your goals. It’s easy to toss a goal aside when you don’t really have to answer to anyone, or even yourself, with regard to progress. Find an accountability partner to share accomplishments with or build assessment dates into your calendar on which you self-check your progress. 

Increase Your Confidence

Challenging, yet realistic, goals that allow for the monitoring of progress can do a lot for your sense of mastery. Seeing your goal becoming closer to reality through hard work and skill is empowering. Hearing praise from your network is also motivating toward fulfilling an objective. Confidence is increased through all of these things. 

Improve Your Life Quality

12 Week Sprint PlannerEssentially, having well-developed goals can lead to a more fulfilling life. By taking the time to proactively define what you want and working toward that desire, you are living with purpose. When you know what you want and feel you are on track to achieve it, you are generally more motivated and satisfied than others. 

As you can see, there is a strong relationship between goals and motivation. In order to sustain motivation, you must not only set goals, but your goals need to have structure. Following these guidelines can increase both your motivation and your chances of reaching your goals.

If you struggle to achieve the goals you set yourself, or never get past the first month of any new project you embark on, this powerful 12 Week Sprint Planner is exactly what you need to achieve your goals in just three months. https://kmginfo.link/12week  


Why You Have To Write Down Your Business Goals

You’ve often heard me mention the importance of writing down your business goals. That isn’t just because it’s easy to forget. There’s a lot more to it and there are some very important reasons why you have to write them down.

I though in today’s blog post, I’d share my thoughts on this and hopefully inspire you to write down your own goals going forward. By the way, this works for any type of goal, not just your business goals.

The simple act of setting a goal, even if it’s just in your mind, doubles your chances of success. That’s a pretty big deal in itself, isn’t it? If you take it a step further, and actually write those goals down, you’re 10 times as likely to succeed. Read that last line again please. That’s right…you can increase your chances of making it by 1,000%. That’s mind-blowing.

There are a few different mental and psychological processes going on here that start to give us a glimpse into why it is so important and effective to write our goals down.

The first is that it’s a lot easier to remember something that we’ve written down. You’ve experienced this first hand with your grocery list. When you make a mental list of 10 or 15 things, you’re likely to forget about half of them when you get to the store. If you write out the list on the other hand, and then end up forgetting it on the counter, you will remember the vast majority of the items you needed. This is explained through the fact that information has to be moved from one area of the brain to another to turn it from thoughts into written words on a page.

A process called encoding is also involved. All of this helps you retain and store the information better. It’s the reason we’re asked to take notes during lectures in college.

Last but not least, when you write down your goals, you have something you can review regularly. This adds another layer of cognitive processing and increases your chances of success even further.

Sadly, only a very small percentage of people make the time to regularly review and evaluate their goals. The ones that do are some of the most successful and highest achieving people out there. In other words, it’s something we should do as well.


To recap, here are the three steps to massively boost your success in achieving your business (and other) goals:

  • Start by setting smart goals.
  • Write them down in as much detail as possible.
  • Set aside some time to review them regularly. This could be weekly, or even daily.

Give it a try for this coming quarter. Set yourself a goal. Be specific. This could be something like finally creating that first paid product or adding an extra $500 to your bottom line. Decide on a deadline by when you’ll reach your goal and how you plan to get there. Write it all down and look at it every morning.

You might even like to use the 12 Week Sprint Planner that we use in my coaching program, to help you reach your big goals in a sprint!  Check it out here: https://kmginfo.link/12week  It’s one of my most popular and useful products.

This will help you stay on track and make time in your busy day to work on making progress towards your (written down) goal.

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