Leading with Gratitude

Joy is the simplest form of gratitude... Karl BarthOne of the most powerful ways to grow success for you or your business in this new year is to focus on developing and maintaining a mindset of gratitude.

Happy new year.  I hope it’s a big one for you in your business and your life.  

In business, when you finally find success, it feels very, very good. Finally, after all of your hard work and dedication to your goal, you’ve arrived. It can often feel as if this success is owed you.  After all, weren’t you the one who put in all the hours to attain it?

It’s absolutely normal, healthy, and expected to feel a sense of pride when you reach a certain level in your business. You have a lot to be proud of, after all! But problems arise when, instead of feeling grateful for your success, you expect it instead.


Success and Gratitude

Many business owners find that without gratitude in their lives, their businesses fail to deliver – in many different ways. Don’t be like them. Being self-absorbed to the point of believing success is owed to you is a slow poison to your business mindset, and in turn, your business itself.

Success in business – or in any area of our lives – is something that must be

  • planned,
  • focused on,
  • worked towards,
  • and above all, earned.

And, it must be appreciated, not taken for granted as something that is owed to us.


Your business knowledge, wisdom, experience and advice is worth sharing in order to help others achieve their own goals and dreams in business. In this way, you help “pay it forward”, in essence taking action on your feelings of gratitude and thankfulness for getting where you are today. And that’s why I share these tips with you.

You can express gratitude is by actively reaching out to your own business mentors, and thanking them for sharing their knowledge and experience with you. Your mentors have helped you get to your level of success, and letting them know that they are appreciated goes a long way towards creating that gratitude mindset that you need in business.

Keeping a gratitude journal is another simple way you can focus on your gratitude mindset. All you need to do is to get into the habit of writing out what you are grateful for each day. 

The success of your business may not rise or fall depending on your level of gratitude, but having a mindset that is full of gratitude will definitely help your business, and it will also help your overall life!

Be grateful and you will have more to be grateful for!

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