Better Decisions in Life and Business

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

From the moment you wake up each morning, you’re faced with decisions. Should I snooze my alarm one more time, or do I get up? Do I eat a healthy breakfast, or do I go for coffee and skip it? Do I add emails to my marketing funnel, or do I watch television? 

It may seem as if you have too many decisions to make to ever do a good job at it. But the truth is if you have a plan before you need to make choices, and know what you want, you can do better at making decisions. And you can make them effortlessly and faster. 

Know Who You Are 

It might seem silly that you need to know who you are to make decisions about your life, mind, body, and spirit, but it really does help. For example, if you have guiding morals, values and principles that define you, looking to those will help you make much better decisions. This is one of the reasons good businesses put so much effort into defining their core values. 

Define the Problem 

When you understand your own values, then you can work toward defining the problem. Sometimes it can help to turn the problem into a question. What will change today if I hit the snooze button? What are my goals? All of this will help you determine what the real problem is and the right solution to choose.

Determine the Ideal Result 

It can often help to make your choices based on the result that will occur from the decision. For example, compare the effect of getting up late versus the result of getting up early.  When you know how your choice impacts everything else, you can make better decisions to ensure that you’re creating the impact you desire. 


Gather Relevant Information 

When you know what the problem is, and you know the results you’re trying to achieve, it’s going to be easier to make a good choice. Do your research to find out all the relevant information you need to know. Remember that sometimes you don’t even know what questions to ask.  That just means you’ll have to do research based on where you are in your own problem-solving, in order to make better choices.  

Note the Alternatives 

Make a list of the decisions that you can make so that you have an idea of all the alternatives you have. For example, sometimes the choice isn’t just about getting up late, sometimes the option is between finishing something on time or choosing to do it later so that you can get another benefit. You might be sick and need some more sleep today, for example, so the choice might not always be as simple as you may think going in. 

Weigh the Evidence 

When you have a list of alternatives, you can note the probable impact of making those choices and then weigh the evidence to find out if that’s what you want to do. By determining if the facts you found are accurate or not, you can help yourself make even better decisions based on facts.

Choose One Choice

Once you’ve narrowed down the choices, make your decision, and then actively choose it. You don’t want to go back and forth on this. Make a final choice based on the evidence and what you know right now. Realize that wavering here is just going to set you back. 

Act on The Choice

Now that you know what your choice is, act on it straight away. Don’t wait around. For example, if you’ve decided that you’re going to refinance your mortgage because you’ve determined it’s an excellent financial choice, don’t wait. Start the actions needed to implement your decision now. 

Review and Adjust as Needed 

Depending on what you’re doing, you can also analyse and review your choices to find out if you made the right choice. Some decisions can be changed once further evidence is presented. Others you’ll just have to learn from so you can do better next time. 

When you know what type of results you’re looking for in your life, whether personal or work-related, it’s a lot simpler to make the right choices. You can simply look at the impact each decision you have made creates, and then choose from there.

If the reason why you are struggling with making difficult decisions is that you doubt yourself, (and lots of people do!) check out my quick course on Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding A Positive Outlook On Life at 

That may be all you need to move forward making better decisions in your business and your life.  

Why Change Can Be Scary

Change is one thing that’s certain in business and in life. Things never stay the same, even for those who try so hard to make it the case. 

Whether it’s a positive change like a new client or relationship or a difficult one such as job loss, transitions can be frightening. Pushing past the fear is something you can do, though, once you understand the reasons for it, how it can actually benefit you and ways to overcome it. Today I’ll share what I know about these things with you. Change doesn’t have to be scary.

Reasons for the Fear

First of all, the biggest universal reason to be afraid of change is fear of the unknown. We feel safer in what we already understand and are familiar with. The unknown causes anxiety for lots of reasons, one of which is that this anxiousness is a protective measure. Our brains tell us that we can remain safe if we avoid what we can’t see, understand, know or process. 


Another cause of this specific kind of fear is the false belief that there is only one correct way, when in fact many options lie ahead of you. It won’t be disastrous if you make the “wrong choice” because there are actually a number of ways you could go that could be completely right for you. Don’t get hung up on perfectionism or absolutes. 

Self-doubt is another common reason to avoid change. You may think you’re not enough to navigate whatever life is currently throwing at you. That’s usually not the case. In fact, you’ve probably made lots of adjustments in your life before now. 

Benefits of Change

There are actually more benefits to change than detriments. Truly. 

For one, the personal growth potential that times of transition offer can be limitless. You’ll learn so much about yourself and your capabilities during this time, along with gaining new skills. 

Change also gives you the chance to examine your life and your core values. It can be enlightening to make self-discoveries that lead to becoming a more authentic person. Change also leads to progress. You can’t move forward and do better without things getting shaken up a little. 

You’ll gain opportunities through transformation that you never would have had if you’d stayed the same. Finally, you’ll develop new personality traits like strength, resiliency and flexibility when you embrace new opportunities. 

Overcoming Anxiety

Now let’s look at ways to overcome the anxiety that comes with fear of change. 

First, you want to try to reframe the negative stories you’re telling yourself. Focus on the positive things that could happen, instead of the bad. Also, take time to process your feelings about the change you’re facing and try to determine the causes. This type of honest assessment provides insights that make it easier to get a handle on your anxiety because you can name its source. 

Another great strategy that works is to look back on accomplishments you’ve made during past times of transition or instances in which you’ve gotten through tough adjustments. Knowing you’ve done it before can give you the confidence and motivation to do it again. 

These suggestions are definitely not a comprehensive list, but they can get you started on the road to overcoming the fear of change. Once you begin to do that, you’ll find your world will open up immensely. 

If self-doubt is an issue for you I recommend my course Overcoming Self-Doubt which shows you how to overcome self-doubt and find a positive outlook on life.

Challenges Ahead for Business Builders and Leaders

You WILL Face Challenges 

And how you deal with them matters, now more than ever. 

Challenging times are a part of life. Big or small, you will encounter some difficulties and unexpectedly negative situations as you go through your day to day. Sometimes it’s a blip on the radar. Others times may find yourself facing one obstacle after another. 


However, your attitude can affect the outcome of these issues. So let’s look at some strategic ways to deal with challenges that I think will help you tremendously. You don’t have to sit idly by as life throws you curveballs. These tips can help you to actually catch a few. 

Know the Hard Times Will End

It can be hard to look at the big picture when you’re in the middle of a crisis. However, almost every hardship is temporary. This difficult time will end, and you’ll move past it. Keeping this point in mind can ease your mind and help you to think more clearly as you work to overcome your current obstacle. You’ll be far better able to think critically and productively if you’re able to be optimistic about the future. 

Try to Assess Things Rationally

Emotions can run on high during a challenge, and these feelings are usually of the negative kind. You may experience emotions like fear, anger, sadness and resentment as you try to rebuild your life or manage a crisis. While these feelings are perfectly normal, they’re also counterproductive to finding solutions. It’s easy to get stuck in negative emotions. When this happens, you’ll generally find yourself reacting blindly rather than making proactive decisions. Make an effort to remove the emotions from your decision-making, and you’ll soon see your progress shift in a more positive direction. 

Remove Yourself from the Equation

In addition to trying to suppress negative emotions during tough times, you may wish to remove yourself from the equation as well. What I mean by this is to try not to take it all personally and don’t ask why it’s happened to you. Bad things do happen to good people. Chances are nothing you’ve done has contributed to this situation. When we ask, “Why me?” Or get caught in a never ending loop of trying to figure out what we’ve done wrong, moving forward becomes nearly  impossible. 

Look for the Silver Lining

This can be really hard to do, and I don’t mean to belittle or detract from the seriousness of anyone’s problems. Please know that’s not my intent when I say that it can be helpful to search for the value hardships may bring. Perhaps you’ll find none, but many times you just might. 

Challenges often bring opportunity for change with them. Change can be scary, and I’ll talk about that in more detail another time. But change can also be transformative and exciting. Embrace any potential for positive transformation you might find during the tough times, and you’ll feel more motivated to push past them. 

These are a few strategies I’ve found helpful when dealing with life’s challenges. Give them a try, and you may find yourself more in control of your situation than you realised you could be. 

Check out my Coping With Setbacks audio course for more strategies to cope with whatever setbacks life and business throws at you and come out the other side even stronger. 

Why Self-Care Matters to Business Builders and Leaders

Before you know what kindness really is ...Most Business Builders and Leaders I know have had a pretty tough time over the past few months so today I want to share with you why self-care matters plus some super simple ways you can treat yourself. 

Why Self-Care Matters & Super Simple Ways To Treat Yourself 

You’ve probably heard the term “self-care” used a lot lately. It’s become a popular buzzword in the media and in personal development circles. However, you still may be unclear on what it means. While the concept does involve taking care of yourself, it actually goes much deeper. Read on to learn what self-care is, why it matters and how to get started doing it. 


About Self-Care

Self-care covers a lot of areas with regard to caring for yourself. It involves nurturing your body, mind and spirit. It focuses on building yourself up so that your internal resources don’t become depleted.

Essentially, self-care is being as good to yourself as you would be to someone you care about. It requires you to show yourself some compassion and encourages you to be vulnerable with others, asking for help you when you need it.

What doesn’t fall under the umbrella of self-care are self-destructive coping mechanisms such as using drugs, drinking, gambling or retail therapy. These things only make you feel good in the short-term. 

The Benefits of Self-Care

There are lots of benefits to practicing self-care. Embracing this concept can be difficult for those who’ve always placed emphasis on the welfare of others.

However, giving all your energy to those around you without filling your own energy back up leaves you depleted and empty. That’s no way to live. Instead, spending time and effort on yourself rejuvenates and energises you.

Taking time to indulge in your own interests demonstrates your worth, leading to improved self-esteem and a more positive outlook on the world. It teaches you a lot about yourself and provides you with insight into what you need to be the best version of yourself.

Self-care helps you better cope with stress and to prioritise what’s important to you. You’ll be better able to take care of others when you also take time to meet your own needs. 

Examples of Self-Care

There are countless ways to add self-care into your routine. The key is to choose activities that are most enjoyable to you and provide you with the most benefits.

Going for a walk in nature is great for those who enjoy the outdoors. Other forms of exercise like yoga, running or going to the gym work well, too.

Spending time with friends can be rejuvenating, but so can saying no. Allowing yourself to decline invitations or favours when you’re feeling run-down is a big part of caring for yourself.

Treating yourself to a favourite, affordable indulgence like a movie, manicure or ice cream cone are all good examples. As is taking a bath or meditating or being more mindful.

If you would like to learn more about being mindful have a look at our course on Mindfulness for Leaders

These are just a few of the ways you can easily incorporate self-care into your life. 

Now you know what self-care is and what it’s important. You’ve also got some ideas of how to get started, so you’re well on your way to adding this useful practice to your life. 

Leave a comment below to share what simple treats you use for your own self-care. 

How To Systematise Common Tasks

Think of the things you frequently do in your workday. These are tasks you perform over and over again. Still, every time you perform them, you have to stop and think about what you should be doing and what comes next. Banking business checklist commerce - Credit to

This slows you down. It slows you down because you have to rethink the steps you’ve already taken previously, every single time you repeat a task. The secret to quickly and easily tackling those sort of tasks is to create a system. And the simplest system to create is a Checklist.

Checklists can literally save lives. 

Doctors use them before surgery to ensure they don’t skip a step or overlook anything in the pressure of the operating theatre.  Nurses use them when they deliver dangerous drugs and to reduce infections. Airline pilots use a checklist before taking off. And smart people everywhere use them to guarantee better results and make life easier and better.


Systematising your tasks is a better way to do many of the things you need to do. Think about the most valuable tasks you do over and over again. Break these tasks down into their smallest steps. Come up with checklists or a system of steps that need to be taken to perform this task. 

A good way to think about creating checklists and systematisation is to consider how you would break the steps down if you were to write the steps down for someone else.

If that person were totally new to the steps, what would you tell them to do? Create checklists that reflect this. 

Each time you go to perform the task or project type, you should have these steps in front of you. 

You already know the steps (you do this task often!), but these checklists give you a system to follow and eliminate the need to think about it. 

You can complete a task much more quickly when you can just sit down and do it using your checklist, without thinking about the steps involved. You’ll also be less likely to procrastinate. 

You can start by doing just a few steps when you only have a little time available, in confidence that you will be able to pick up wherever you left off without too much effort. This will help you get it done. 

And even more importantly, a good system or checklist makes it so much easier to delegate or outsource tasks when you are ready to do so. 

If you love checklists as much as I do for getting stuff done check out my collection of 18 Daily Tasks and Planning Checklists now.  

Set Yourself Up For Success

This goes along with my advice in a previous article to make a to-do list in general. I highly recommend that you create a new to-do list each night. That way, it’s done and fresh for when you wake up each day. 

Your morning should be spent working on your most important or most challenging task (eating your frog). You shouldn’t even have to think about it before you just start working. 

You lose momentum if you have to stop and create the to-do list. You lose valuable time that could be spent being productive.

Set Yourself Up For Success

For most people, morning is the most valuable work time, and when you have the most energy. Don’t handicap yourself by trying to create your to-do list and gather the things you need during that valuable time. 

If you create your to-do list the night before, you’ll be setting yourself up for success. You won’t even have to think about it. You can just get started on your first task.

You may want to create a master to-do list to work from and add to. This list should be full of every task you can think of that you need to do. 

Complete the items that will take just a few minutes to do, right away. Delegate the tasks that can be delegated. Constantly eliminate and filter out the items that don’t need to be there.


Create your new daily to-do list at night, or at the end of your workday. I suggest putting between 4 to 6 items on that list (no more) that will take you around an hour each to do. If you need to, break each of those items down into its smaller parts so there’s no hesitation to get started on the next workday.

Make sure you collect any of the tools, resources, or steps you’ll need to successfully complete each action item. Make it as easy as possible for you to follow through with each task in the morning.

Set yourself up for success at night and you will find that it is so much easier to manage your time and be highly productive in the morning. You’ll also cut down dramatically on your procrastination problem at the same time.

Set yourself up for success with Your Best Year Ever 

Read previous articles in this series on how business owners and leaders can manage time most effectively:

1. Why it’s Really Hard to Manage Your Time

2. Master Your Time Management

3. Why You Procrastinate 

4. Create a To-Do List That Works 

5. Eat That Frog  

Eat That Frog

A big part of successfully managing your time is getting past those bumps that threaten to knock you down. You have to push past those days when you don’t feel like you can do anything at all – when you feel paralysed.

Do You Have Tasks Like This?

You might find yourself butting heads with a certain task. This task is something you know you absolutely need to do, but you keep putting it off.

You do that because it seems big and scary. You put it off because you don’t feel like doing it, don’t think you can do it, and would rather do anything else.

Unfortunately, you can’t eliminate this task. Your only hope, besides doing it yourself, is to delegate or outsource the task. I urge you to either delegate the task if that’s at all possible. The important thing is that it gets done, freeing up your time and your headspace for working on other items on your to-do list.

Tackle the Most Challenging Thing on Your To-Do List First

For now, though, I’m talking about a task that you must do yourself and that you are really procrastinating on. I urge you to just do it, no matter what, no matter how you feel.

Some people call this “eating the frog” first, and it’s something that one of my favourite motivational speakers, Brian Tracy, talks about often. The theory is that you want the most unpleasant task on your to-do list to be circled as your daily “frog”, and you should do it first, because it will tend to give you momentum for the rest of your day, once finished. 

Here’s a short YouTube video about this concept: 

Take one step forward to complete the task, and just do it. If you can get past this task, then the others will all seem so much easier by comparison. 

You have to get back on track.

Here’s The Secret

This is a mindset thing. It helps to even just realise it. You’ve turned this task into a monster in your mind, for whatever reason. 

The first thing you should do is break the task down. Break the task down into its smallest parts. Whittle it down into its tiniest steps so that it’s not scary at all anymore. 

After you’ve whittled the task down, force yourself work on it for just five minutes. Anyone can do nearly anything for five minutes.

Give yourself a break after that. Then, work on it for five minutes more. 

Keep working in that pattern until you find you are in the headspace to complete the task normally. You’ll probably soon realise that it’s not as bad as you imagined. You’ll feel a great weight lifted off of your shoulders, especially if it’s a task you’ve been putting off for a while.


In most cases, you should work on the most challenging thing on your to-do list first. Work on it when you’re fresh, usually in the morning. 

If you work on the most challenging thing on your to-do list first, then you’ll have fewer reasons to put it off. If you break the task down into its tiniest steps, then you’ll have no excuse not to move forward with it.

Do whatever you need to do to tackle this challenging item on your to-do list. If you keep putting it off and putting it off, your goals will get much further away.

One of the major differences between those who are successful and those who are not successful is that successful people do the work even when they don’t feel like it. 

Stop waiting for conditions to be absolutely perfect and optimal. Sometimes, you have to work when you don’t feel like it. Sometimes, you have to do tasks that are less than desirable. 

You can make it easier on yourself by following the trick I’ve outlined here. Push through it, no matter what. Become a person who always gets it done. 

Check out Motivation Made Simple if you need some help to improve and maintain your motivation: 

Create a To-Do List That Works

This might seem like a very obvious time management trick. Maybe you already successfully make to-do lists all the time. But, many people do not. If they do, then they often do so inefficiently.

If you don’t tend to make a to-do list every day, think about your reason why. How do you know what you should do each day? Maybe you just have all your tasks swirling around in your head. If that’s the case, then you’re setting yourself up for failure right off the bat.

Here’s how to make a To-Do List that really works.

You need to get your to-do list action items out of your head and down on paper. If you have too much swirling around in your head, then you won’t know what to do first, and you’ll constantly be worrying that you’ve forgotten something (and maybe you will have). It’s exhausting to have everything you need to do taking up your brain-space every second of the day. Get it down on paper instead, and you’ll probably feel instant relief.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say you go grocery shopping weekly. If you need to get 32 things this week, do you think you’ll be more successful on your shopping trip if that list is in your head, or if you write down everything you need on a piece of paper? In which case do you think you might have to revisit the store after you get home, unpack, and realise that you forgot something.

It’s not just about getting it down on paper, of course. You need to create a to-do list that will be easily actionable for you every day. That means your to-do list can’t be overwhelming.

Right now, I suggest you get out a pen and paper and make a list of absolutely everything that is on your to-do list. You are doing a brain dump of sorts. You’re working at this moment to get every action item out of your head and down on paper. Note that this is not going to be the to-do list that you work from.

Next, go through your to-do list and cross off the items that don’t need to be there. Sometimes, we make ourselves more inefficient by adding items that are not going to contribute to our goals. They are there just because they’ve always been there. Or, they are there because of how someone else does something, even if it’s not necessarily applicable to you. Go through and get rid of the time wasters.

It can help to remember the Pareto principle – the 80/20 principle. Just 20% of the things you do lead to 80% of your results. That means probably most of the items on your to-do list are not leading to most of your results.


Now, go through your to-do list and circle the items that are absolutely necessary—the ones that stand out to you as critical to your success. Check to make sure these action items are in line with your goals. Will these action items lead to the successful completion or achievement of your goals?

If they are not in line with your goals, then it’s time to do something else.  Reconfigure your to-do list so only the most important items are there.

Now that you have circled the most important items on your list, check your reaction to each item. Do you feel strong and confident when it comes to completing each item? If not, then it’s time to break it down. 

Break each task down into its smallest parts. Break it down as much as you need to so you can confidently complete this step. You can even break it down as far as writing things like “open the computer, click the link, type the title,” and so on.

Now, you have identified your most important tasks and you’ve broken them down. Everything on your list is now crucial and you have a solid grasp on completing each item. 

If your tasks are easy to complete and you don’t have to think too much about them in the moment, you’ll be much more likely to dive right in and get to work. 

Having just a foggy notion of each of your to-do action items is a recipe for disaster. Be very clear and complete about each step before you get started working.

Next, you need to create a draft calendar of the items on your to-do list. Some things might be scheduled six months from now, so put that on your calendar. If something needs to be done a month from now, put that on your calendar. 

Make sure that your long-term action items are in line with your goals. 

Make sure that your goals have a deadline.

Put most of your attention on the tasks you need to do this month and this week. 

Then, break it down even further into what you need to do today or tomorrow. 

Make a list of around four to six things you need to do each day. On average, each of the items on your list should take no more than an hour to do, or less. Some people like to list two major tasks and four quick tasks each day. A workday is typically around eight hours long, leaving you some wiggle room and plenty of time to get all your essential action items completed.

Every night, create a to-do list that you’re to follow through with the next day. Your tasks are broken down into their smaller parts, there isn’t anything extra on your to-do list, and everything is easily actionable. You’ll set yourself up for success by creating your to-do list in this way.

This will give you another huge benefit that will benefit your productivity as well. Once you have tomorrow’s schedule out of your head and down on paper, you’ll sleep better. You won’t toss and turn telling yourself that you can’t forget to do task X first thing in the morning, and task Y sometime before lunch. 

Please don’t pass this off as unnecessary. Creating a to-do list that is easily manageable and that falls in line with your goals and getting the important tasks done is the best thing you can do. 

Of course, the strategy outlined here for creating your to-do list is not hard and fast. Start out by trying it out this way. Then, play around with it until you find a method that works best for you. This is all about finding the right methods for you!

But making a To-Do list that really works relies on you having clarity about your goals. If getting clarity on exactly what you need to do in the next 90 days is important to you have a look at our 90 Day Action Plan 

Why You Procrastinate

A huge part of managing your time better is understanding that you procrastinate and why you procrastinate.  

The stress you feel from your work, your lack of solid and specific goals, and from your uncertainty might be spilling over to other areas of your life. This stress and uncertainty often leads to procrastination—that’s a problem it’s time to solve.

In surveying many of the professionals and entrepreneurs I work with on a daily basis, I hear time and time again that procrastination is the biggest issue when it comes to time management. People get frustrated with themselves because they have a bad habit of procrastinating. They don’t want to procrastinate, yet it’s their default.

Consider whether these statements are true for you:

  • Do you put projects off, even though you know you should be working on them right away? 
  • Do you find that you get nervous about starting a project because it seems way too difficult to finish? 
  • Do you always find yourself working at the very last minute, desperate to get your project finished and kicking yourself because you hadn’t even started it yet?

If so, then you have a problem with procrastination. Maybe you only procrastinate sometimes. Or, maybe you find yourself constantly procrastinating. Either way, there is hope for you. 

These time management tricks will definitely help you get started on your projects right away so you can complete them on time and with less stress. Best of all, you’ll complete your projects more quickly. The result will be that you’re working better than ever.

Gain a True Understanding

Understanding why you procrastinate in the first place is very helpful. Many of the reasons overlap when you talk about time management in general. For instance, you might procrastinate because you aren’t clear on your goals. 

You don’t even know what you’re working to achieve, except in a very general sense. People who don’t procrastinate are generally very specific about what they’re trying to achieve (in the short run and long run) and they know that each action is related to their goals.

There’s Too Much To Do

You might procrastinate because there are too many things to do. Maybe you fill your to-do list to the very brim every single day. There’s absolutely no humanly possible way to get everything done when you have a mile long to-do list. 

That’s why you have to be able to filter through your tasks and choose only what is most important. You have to be able to look at your most productive and valuable tasks and focus on those, while delegating, outsourcing, or eliminating the tasks that are not as important.

If you don’t do that, it’s impossible to know what to focus on first. It could be that you have one particular task on your to-do list that has to get done but that you’re frightened to do, for whatever reason. 

Maybe that task is just too time-consuming. Maybe you don’t have clarity on the task yet. Or maybe, you’ve undeservedly turned the task into a monster. It might be the case that once you got started on that task, it would be easier than ever.


Perfection Is a Problem

Yet another reason why many people procrastinate is because they are truly perfectionists. They believe, deep down, that they’re never going to be able to perform a task perfectly. So, they scare themselves out of doing it altogether. 

Few procrastinators think of themselves as perfectionists, but it’s very often true. Examine your personal reasons for procrastinating and see if this might be true for you. Do you have a fear of not doing things perfectly? If so, then you might subconsciously be using procrastination as a way to put off the inevitable. 

That’s damaging because it’s impossible to be perfect. No one is perfect. No project is perfect. You’re self-sabotaging if you expect perfection. Procrastination may also be a convenient excuse, subconsciously. 

You know that it’s even more impossible to expect perfection when something is done at the last minute. That way, you have an excuse for yourself for why it isn’t perfect… that excuse is that you didn’t have enough time. And the cycle repeats.

Examine Your Reasons for Procrastinating

If you want to successfully move forward, then you need to examine your reasons for procrastinating. The great news is that these time management tricks will absolutely help you stop procrastinating. 

It’s time to turn these tricks into habits of yours. Most, if not all, of these tricks should be incorporated into your daily routine so you can stop procrastinating and get more done.

What to Do About Your Procrastination and Time Management Problems

It’s time for you to figure out how to beat your procrastination and time management problems. 

You don’t want to continue on the way you have been. You don’t want to procrastinate and find yourself struggling to get things done. You don’t want to have to be late on projects. You don’t want to have to be unclear about what you’re supposed to be doing and when.

In your ideal world, you would be able to get things done more quickly. You’d be able to earn more, get a promotion, start your own business, and have more time left over for the things you want to do in life. That’s exactly what can happen if you’re willing to put the work in. It can be a struggle to change long-standing habits – but it’s absolutely possible.  Here’s how to do it:

1. Make Time Management a Priority

First, you have to make time management a priority. You can’t just read about time management tricks and expect them to just happen for you. You have to focus on each one in turn – making them a habit. 

As each one becomes a habit, layer it with another positive time management habit. Focus on what will work best for you. Identify where your stickiest and trickiest areas are and start implementing the time management habits that will help you the most.

The fact is that you are the only one who can make this happen. You have to make time management a top priority so you can finally break out of the stressful cycle you’re in right now. If you make it a priority and make movements toward adopting these positive habits, then you absolutely will be successful.

2. Save Hours per Day

If you adopt these positive time management habits, you can save yourself hours every day. Right now, I’m willing to bet that you’re wasting some time. If you’re working all day long with nothing to show for it, it’s just a waste of time. If you’re stressed out beyond belief and don’t have time to do the things you want to do, you’re wasting time.

You are going to become much more efficient with everything you do. Because of your dedication and efficiency, you’ll be able to achieve your goals much more quickly. 

You won’t have to sit around and dream about the things you want in life because you’re finally going to be able to get the things you want in life – faster than you ever thought possible. You aren’t just dreaming anymore, you’re turning your dream life into a reality.

This will help you save a ton of time and get more done. Each of these habits has value for your life. Just keep in mind that some of the tips I share with you will be more relevant to you than others.

3. Make a List of What You Struggle with the Most

I want you to make a list of the things you struggle with the most when it comes to time management. Then, read through and pull out the ones that are most applicable to you and that you struggle with the most.

Tackle these issues first and you’ll be able to save a ton of time and get more done. Perhaps best of all, you’ll feel confident about your work. You’ll be able to identify your downfalls and work to achieve your goals. This is an amazing thing that can truly change your life, so it’s time to get excited.

4. Be Ready For Ups and Downs

I want you to be prepared– you’re probably going to have ups and downs as you work to improve your time management skills. 

Sometimes it will be difficult and sometimes it will seem easy. You just have to push through until these habits happen without much active thought or effort from you. You want these habits to be things you do automatically every day, without thinking.

If you can adopt these positive time management concepts and turn them into habits, you’ll find that you get so much more done and that your work is much easier to manage. This is the start of some wonderful changes and an easier, more productive life, all the way around.

If you want to get more done quickly, easily and effectively check out My Productivity Blueprints:  A collection of 32 templates unlocking the secrets of productive people in a simple blueprint for action.

Master Your Time Management

In this article I’m going to share some more time management problems you need to overcome to help you to master your time management. 

You’ll find more methods that will help you figure out your goals and the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. 

These tips are actually habits that will be helpful for you to adopt – and quickly. 

By the way—even just one or two of these tips could be life changing for you. For instance, you can almost instantly improve your time management, even if the only thing you do is set goals and make to-do lists for yourself, while making time for reflection and action.

You don’t have to do them all at once, you can pick which one(s) you want to focus on first, master that, and go from there if you need more help.

Focusing On the Wrong Things

Yet another reason why it’s difficult to manage your time is because you may be focusing on the wrong things. Do you feel a lot of resistance while you’re working? Are you’re absolutely sure you’re in the right line of work for your temperament and goals? If you feel a lot of resistance and uncertainty about what you’re doing, then it may be time to evaluate your path.

I work with a lot of entrepreneurs. I find that many people who want to manage their time well and live the life of their dreams end up wanting to create their ideal life by starting their own business. 

Whether that’s the case for you or not, you are in charge of your life. If you’ve always dreamed of doing something else, do it. If you know that you are not in the right line of work, make a change.

If you’re working on something you know you’re meant to do, it will be so much easier for you to get your work done. You’ll wake up looking forward to your day – ready to conquer your to-do list and achieve your goals. Your work will revitalise you at every turn.


It’s Easy… But It Won’t Always Feel Easy

By the way, I don’t mean to imply that it will always feel easy to develop better time management habits. I love what I do, but I have good days and bad days. 

But it’s more than worth it because my business is aligned with my soul and values. I’m doing what I love to do – and that’s helping others succeed, while still making enough income to have a nice standard of living for my family and me. 

Even though I have ups and downs, it’s a pleasure to wake up every morning and get to do what I love to do. That’s a pleasure you deserve as well. If you love what you do, managing your time well will become so much easier.

The fact of the matter is that we live in a distracting time and it’s hard to get anything done if you don’t have the right strategies and habits. You probably feel the crunch of financial pressure looming above you at all times. You have a lot of responsibilities when it comes to your family and friends. 

Sometimes the pressure we put on ourselves comes from self doubt. If that is something that challenges you have a look at our short course on Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding A Positive Outlook On Life 

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