Give Yourself Some Down Time

You really should be taking breaks throughout your workday.

This allows you to approach each task with enough energy and motivation to make it through to the end of the day.

You should also be turning work off at the end of each day. You need time to work and time to play.

But, it goes beyond that. You need to give yourself some down time in the form of vacations and days off. You need time to really re-energize and to not think about work at all. When you give yourself this time, you can return to work with so much more motivation that your productivity skyrockets.

Whether it’s taking one day off or one month off, you need to know that it’s okay to leave the laptop at home sometimes. It’s okay if you don’t work seven days a week. In fact, it’s better if you don’t. 

Some people have no trouble taking a vacation or taking some days off.

Other people feel bad if they’re not working all the time. If the latter describes you, it’s time to change things. Take a day off here and there and you’ll notice that you return to work with so much enthusiasm and so much energy that you’ll wonder why you didn’t pay attention to this advice before. 

Your happiness as well as your motivation and productivity will all improve.  For more details about simple ways to enjoy your life and be happy, whatever your circumstance, check out Ten Keys to Happiness


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