What really persuades?

Words have power

Have you ever wondered just how you can persuade others on your team to do what you want them to do?

In a management role it is possible to use your authority to tell someone to do something and they will do it (if you have the appropriate authority to do so).

It isn’t quite the same in a leadership role where you need to influence and inspire others to follow your lead. Then you need to be able to persuade them to join you and do what you want. And this pretty much comes down to the words you use and how you use them…

When it comes to persuading others, have you thought about whether you are passionate enough? If you are trying to persuade someone to do something and yet you are expressionless and emotionless then your chances of successfully persuading them to follow your lead are pretty slim.

If on the other hand you speak to them with passion and enthusiasm you are much more likely to inspire them and convince them to follow you and join your team.

Your words matter

Persuasion relies on your verbal skills to get the results you want. You want to incorporate enthusiasm and passion into your voice and your actions as a way of getting your point of view across.

You are not trying to manipulate or force anyone into something. Instead your aim is to persuade people that what you are asking is reasonable and even necessary. It is plausible and that it is something worth trying.

When you incorporate just the right amount of passion when you are speaking to your team, your persuasion will improve and you will start getting just what you want. Others will be keen to get on board with your vision and plans.

You will find more about Persuasion for Busy Leaders here… http://kmginfo.com/go/persuasion