The Joy of Making Progress

Starting something new, like a new year, is usually exciting.  But this year, after two challenging years, I’m hearing lots of people who are just exhausted. Maybe you feel a little that way too…

Finding joy in making progressIf that’s you that’s OK. It’s also important that you be kind to yourself.

Many people tend to be a bit too hard on themselves when it comes to their progress, seemingly for no valid reason. They like to hold themselves to such high standards for no reason other than to try to push themselves harder. But in reality, that might be detracting from your overall experience.

It’s as important to be happy when you make progress as it is to celebrate when you finally complete something.

If you’re not able to be happy when you make progress, you’re going to have a hard time motivating yourself to keep on going, leading you to burn out or give up altogether before you achieve your goals.

Getting excited is a fantastic motivator in so many ways. It can cheer you up, make you want to do more, and keep you going by putting you in a good mood. You’ll often do your best work when you’re happy, and lesser quality work when you’re neutral or upset.

For this reason, you need to be excited when you make progress towards success, even if you might typically think it’s not a big deal. For whatever reason, people don’t like to get excited about small things.

They think it might make them look like amateurs to be so delighted over such a small milestone, but who cares? The only person you need to compare yourself to is you. People who don’t like celebrating small victories are usually the same ones who have been sitting in a stagnant place for a long time.

Anyone who’s successful in a field would understand the excitement that comes with doing something small, but well. For example, if your dream was to become a novelist one day, you might feel really happy and proud of yourself if you were to write a page or two that you were happy with.

For some people, they might look at that and think it’s meaningless, because some authors can write pages upon pages per day. However, just being able to appreciate little bits of progress like that can make all the difference in the long run.

Think about the difference between being excited about small progress and just daydreaming.

On one hand, you’re making tangible, real steps toward a goal that you want to achieve in order to become successful. On the other hand, the daydreamer is just sitting around not making any progress aside from being hopeful.

Be happy that you’re able to take action and actually accomplish some small step towards your goal, no matter how insignificant it might seem to be. There is joy in making progress.

In the real world, every little thing you do can make a big difference.

Remember, You can do this! And you don’t have to do it on your own.  When you are ready, contact me for details of our coaching programs. I’m here to help!

If you want to do it on your own use this to plan out your best year yet 



Do Your Goals Seem Too Big?

Do your goals seem to big? Sometimes the biggest obstacle we face in moving forward after a challenge, crisis or major change has occurred in our life, is our own sense of overwhelm. It’s scary to wonder where to go from here or how to dig ourselves out of a tough situation. It often seems easier to do nothing or to wallow in self-pity. 

I’m not judging you if you’ve found yourself in this position. I believe we probably all have been there at one time or another. And I see lots of people right now who thought they got through last year through sheer strength and determination who are struggling to get back into it all this year. Sometimes it just all seems like too much effort. 

That’s when you have to implement a clear plan of action. You can stop overwhelm by simplifying your big plans and setting smaller, attainable goals. Even taking one tiny step toward change is a start. Keep reading to learn how you can stop the overwhelm by simply setting smaller goals that you are easier to reach. 

Break It Down

Brainstorming can help get your worries out of your head so that you can start to face them head-on. Take some time to write down all of the ideas you have for ways you can move ahead in your current situation. No matter how small or how far-fetched, just get them out of your head and down on paper. I like to jot each idea down on a sticky note so I can rearrange them into ideas that group together. Pick the one that is highest priority and easiest to implement than the others – and make it your goal. 

That’s where you should start.

Begin by breaking that goal down into tangible, manageable and realistic steps you can actually take to overcome your problem. This action alone may help you to feel less stressed and more hopeful, as you can now see the possibilities that may have been blurred before. 

Set Milestones

Next, you’ll want to set some milestones or checkpoints to help to keep yourself on track. Again, consider taking baby steps to help you overcome the overwhelm by setting your check-ins fairly regularly. 

Making your first milestone something smaller and readily attainable will help to increase your confidence, as well as boosting your motivation to make it to the next milestone. Creating these review points also forces you to develop some sort of plan for your goal, rather than just hoping things will get better. 

Review Regularly

Take time to regularly review your original goal in order to be sure it’s still working for you or that you’re even still on the right path. 

Sometimes we find ourselves set on achieving something that’s no longer in our best interests simply because we’re too stubborn or scared to assess our circumstances. Reflect honestly on where you’re going by looking back on the milestones you’ve passed so far. If it feels right in your gut, keep on keeping on. 

Should something seem off or if you’re not making the progress you’d hoped, go back to the drawing board. Review those sticky notes you wrote earlier. Take more notes on your situation, jotting down your ultimate desire and brainstorming steps to help you attain it. Then begin anew with your revised game plan. 

Doing something is almost always better than doing nothing. This is true when facing times of challenge and change, for sure. Follow these suggestions for gaining control over the obstacles in your life and moving ahead one baby step at a time. You’ll soon see that what you want can be achieved and your troubles can be overcome.

If you struggle to achieve the goals you set yourself, or never get past the first month of any new project you embark on, this powerful planner is exactly what you need to achieve your goals in a 12 Week Sprint

Set Deadlines for Yourself

If you have an unlimited amount of time to work on something, you probably won’t get it done very quickly. If you have a tight deadline, you’re much more likely to get to work on it right away.

That particular theory was first expressed in 1955 by a man named Cyril Northcote Parkinson, and now famously called Parkinson’s Law, and states: “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”.

In other words, assuming it’s possible to complete a task in a day, if you give yourself a day to complete it, it will get done. If you give it a week, it will take a week. And if you give it an unlimited amount of time, it might take virtually forever.

Some people believe that having an unlimited amount of time to work on something is a good thing. Instead, it makes you so much less efficient. When you have a deadline, you’re forced to be creative and innovative. You’re forced to cut the fluff and just get the task done.

You might already have deadlines in place for most of your action items. If you don’t, I suggest you start to set deadlines for yourself.

You need deadlines whether you set them or someone else sets them for you. You need to have a clear picture of which tasks you have to have completed, and by when.

Again, set deadlines for yourself, even if the deadlines are fairly strict. You’ll be forced to manage your time well. 

And if you need to boost your productivity have a look at My Productivity Blueprints for a novel way to get more things done quickly, effectively and easily. 

How to Figure Out What You Should Be Working On In Your Business

Are you ready to take your business to the next level and watch some explosive growth unfold over the coming months? Great.

Before you start to plot and plan what you want to do to make that happen, it’s important to stop and look at where you are at right now. 

Business planning for future success is all about data. You can work most efficiently and spend your time and money most effectively if you know exactly where you are starting from. By recording data, you can start to see what’s working, what isn’t, and what trends are starting to play out. And it all starts with recording where you’re at right now. 


Let’s take a look at some of the things you want to record. First though, you should decide how you want to record this information.  You can write it down by hand in a notebook, open up a word document to do it digitally, or use a spreadsheet. If you use a spreadsheet you have the option to have it calculate fun additional information like weekly and monthly averages and even map it all out in graphics to help you get a clearer picture. But if spreadsheets scare you, just use a notebook or word processor.


To grow you need to expand your reach. That means getting more traffic, but also engaging the people that come to your site by encouraging them to click around and read more. Good things to keep track of are total visitors, unique visitors, bounce rate, and of course where the traffic is coming from. 

Email List / Subscribers

Your next goal is always to get these people on your list. Here you want to track total number of subscribers, conversion rates for each of your opt-in forms and pages, open rates for your emails, and also unsubscribes. As you start to collect and review this data regularly, you’ll get a much better picture of your subscribers. 


Subscribers are great, customers are better. Start by keeping track of how many total customers you have and how many purchases per day, week, and month. Other good numbers to look at are total lifetime value of your average customer, repeat purchases, and refund rates. 

Income & Expenses

Last but not least, look at your bottom line. This is your typical accounting data. You want to keep track of your income as well as your expenses. With those two sets of numbers, you can easily calculate your overall profit. You might find it helpful to look at profit for the month, but track income on a daily basis. 

Yes, you can look at most of this data in various different places. Google Analytics, your shopping cart, and your autoresponder service, for example. But it’s important to have it all in one place. This makes it much easier to connect the dots and see the relationships between the different sets of numbers. 

The email service I use and recommend is Aweber (sign up for a free account here) which gives you lots of data about your subscribers. 

My shopping cart is ThriveCart which I highly recommend for its extensive features,  comprehensive business data and analytics and exceptional service and support.  

Now that you have your initial data collection set up, make it a habit to update the numbers regularly. This way you can see what’s working, what isn’t, and how much you’re growing as you move through the coming months and years.

And, most importantly, you can easily see what you need to be working on to improve your business into the future. 

Better Decisions in Life and Business

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

From the moment you wake up each morning, you’re faced with decisions. Should I snooze my alarm one more time, or do I get up? Do I eat a healthy breakfast, or do I go for coffee and skip it? Do I add emails to my marketing funnel, or do I watch television? 

It may seem as if you have too many decisions to make to ever do a good job at it. But the truth is if you have a plan before you need to make choices, and know what you want, you can do better at making decisions. And you can make them effortlessly and faster. 

Know Who You Are 

It might seem silly that you need to know who you are to make decisions about your life, mind, body, and spirit, but it really does help. For example, if you have guiding morals, values and principles that define you, looking to those will help you make much better decisions. This is one of the reasons good businesses put so much effort into defining their core values. 

Define the Problem 

When you understand your own values, then you can work toward defining the problem. Sometimes it can help to turn the problem into a question. What will change today if I hit the snooze button? What are my goals? All of this will help you determine what the real problem is and the right solution to choose.

Determine the Ideal Result 

It can often help to make your choices based on the result that will occur from the decision. For example, compare the effect of getting up late versus the result of getting up early.  When you know how your choice impacts everything else, you can make better decisions to ensure that you’re creating the impact you desire. 


Gather Relevant Information 

When you know what the problem is, and you know the results you’re trying to achieve, it’s going to be easier to make a good choice. Do your research to find out all the relevant information you need to know. Remember that sometimes you don’t even know what questions to ask.  That just means you’ll have to do research based on where you are in your own problem-solving, in order to make better choices.  

Note the Alternatives 

Make a list of the decisions that you can make so that you have an idea of all the alternatives you have. For example, sometimes the choice isn’t just about getting up late, sometimes the option is between finishing something on time or choosing to do it later so that you can get another benefit. You might be sick and need some more sleep today, for example, so the choice might not always be as simple as you may think going in. 

Weigh the Evidence 

When you have a list of alternatives, you can note the probable impact of making those choices and then weigh the evidence to find out if that’s what you want to do. By determining if the facts you found are accurate or not, you can help yourself make even better decisions based on facts.

Choose One Choice

Once you’ve narrowed down the choices, make your decision, and then actively choose it. You don’t want to go back and forth on this. Make a final choice based on the evidence and what you know right now. Realize that wavering here is just going to set you back. 

Act on The Choice

Now that you know what your choice is, act on it straight away. Don’t wait around. For example, if you’ve decided that you’re going to refinance your mortgage because you’ve determined it’s an excellent financial choice, don’t wait. Start the actions needed to implement your decision now. 

Review and Adjust as Needed 

Depending on what you’re doing, you can also analyse and review your choices to find out if you made the right choice. Some decisions can be changed once further evidence is presented. Others you’ll just have to learn from so you can do better next time. 

When you know what type of results you’re looking for in your life, whether personal or work-related, it’s a lot simpler to make the right choices. You can simply look at the impact each decision you have made creates, and then choose from there.

If the reason why you are struggling with making difficult decisions is that you doubt yourself, (and lots of people do!) check out my quick course on Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding A Positive Outlook On Life at 

That may be all you need to move forward making better decisions in your business and your life.  

Turning Your Vision into Reality

More than 70% of people dream of becoming an entrepreneur: being your own boss, following your passion, living the laptop lifestyle.  Yet so few actually take the leap and have a go at turning their vision into reality. 

Are you one of them?

Do you dream of living your purpose, sharing your expertise and making a good living from it?

Are you stuck in a job that no longer fulfils you? Have you gone about as far as you can go in your current role? 

Are you ready to make a difference and be rewarded for it?

Are you ready to turn your vision into reality?

If you answered yes to any of these questions it’s time you thought about turning your vision into reality by becoming an entrepreneur. 

I’m confident you can do it, just like I did so many years ago when I set up my own business as a consultant, speaker and coach. 

But don’t try and do it on your own.  There are lots of tips that can shave disappointment, struggle and failure from your journey.  Today I want to share three of them with you to get you started thinking about your journey as an entrepreneur. 

Tip 1. Understand why you want to be your own boss

Different people have different reasons for starting a business and it’s important to be clear on what yours are. 

  • Some people do it to be able to take charge of their time so they can be more available to  their family.  
  • Others for the autonomy: being in charge of their own destiny and choosing what to do, where to do it and when to do it.   
  • Some recognise a unique business opportunity where they anticipate making lots of money. 
  • Some entrepreneurs seek to make the sort of social impact that employment rarely allows. 
  • For some it’s a matter of personal leadership.  They start out on their own to fulfil their personal destiny by being able to fully bring themselves to what they do.

It doesn’t matter why you want to become your own boss.  

But it does matter that you clearly understand why you want to do it.  

Each of these reasons will result in you building a different type of business, and the worst thing you could do as an entrepreneur is build a successful business that you hate! 

Tip 2. Evaluate whether you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur 

There’s no doubt hard work is involved in building a business for yourself!  But every successful business owner I’ve coached and worked with has loved the hard work. Be prepared for the hard work and for having to learn new things every day.  No one starts out knowing everything they need to know to succeed.  

You also need to believe in yourself and your grand vision of how things will eventually be.  Sometimes these things can be harder than they might seem. That’s why so many successful people have a coach or at least some willing supporters.

Tip 3. Teach yourself some essential skills before you need them 

There are lots of transferable skills that will help you succeed in your own business, but today I want to focus on three of them.

  • Focus – Running your own business requires dealing with a multitude of factors and distractions on any given day.  Successful business owners plan what needs to be done and focus on the specific tasks necessary each day.  
  • Long-term Vision – While it can be easy to focus on what needs to be done in the immediate days or weeks at the same time you need to be able to plan years ahead of time and still work towards that long-term vision every day as well. 
  • Learning – Successful business owners are lifelong learners.  They look for every new (or old) idea that might bring them more success.  They know one small tip implemented today can bring great results for many years.  They take course, buy books and learn from others at every opportunity. 

As Anthony Robbins says: “There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.”

All you need is to discover your driving force and equip yourself with the right knowledge skills and mindset and you too can become an entrepreneur who turns vision into reality. 

Learn more with 101 Tips to Become A Successful Entrepreneur in The Entrepreneur’s Mindset at 

How to Motivate Yourself

DaydreamerWell winter has well and truely arrived early here in Melbourne (Australia) and that can make it a little tricky to motivate yourself.  For my friends in the northern hemisphere the distractions of summer holidays beckoning may be having the same effect on your motivation! 

So I thought it might be timely to share some tips for getting motivated.

Sometimes you need to get started on a project right away. Maybe you’ve even been procrastinating for days, or weeks, and now you’re down to the wire on an unforgiving deadline. 

The threat of not completing the job on time should be enough to motivate you to get moving, right? 


Often, even knowing the consequences that exist for not completing a task aren’t enough to push us forward once we start to struggle with motivation. 

Fortunately, there are some tangible steps you can take in order to give yourself a boost when your usual routine isn’t working. 

Keep reading for a couple of the best ways to improve your motivation fast. Adding these to your bag of tricks may help you to overcome that slump when you need a motivational jumpstart.

Look Ahead

One way to convince your brain that an activity is worth starting is to look ahead to the end result. Think about the money you’ll make a from a freelance gig, the feeling of satisfaction you’ll get from handing in your portion of the monthly report to a nagging co-worker or the freedom to begin your two-week semester break when your last paper is submitted. 

No matter what the project, visualising the result of your efforts can improve your focus and motivation. 

Consider adding an actual visual such as a photo, magazine clipping or other image to motivate you. 


Get Moving

If you’re feeling sleepy or even restless, you won’t be able to focus on that pressing task. An easy solution can be to move your body. 

Exercise has been shown to increase mental clarity and decrease stress, just the combination for working on a complex project with a looming deadline. 

Taking a brisk walk or heading to the gym for a quick step aerobics class on your lunch hour can be just enough of a jolt to get you in prime thinking mode. 

Be careful not to overdo it or you’ll be too exhausted to do much of anything.

Take a Rest

Sometimes it is possible that a quick rest can restore your clear thinking.

If your brain is feeling blurred or your thoughts are cloudy, a short nap might be a better course of action than exercise. Put your head down on your desk or stretch out on the sofa in your office for 10 or 20 minutes.

When you wake up from this power nap, you should be feeling rejuvenated and ready to work. 

Listen to Music

Upbeat tunes might be a solution that leads you to start tapping your toes and feeling more alert.

If you are able to work with background noise, you can keep the music going. Perhaps changing to a mellower playlist or instrumental songs might be a better option for you than fast beats.

If you require silence in order to concentrate, put on just a few of your favourite tunes to shift your mood, and then turn them off and get to work. 

Start Small

A method that is often successful in tricking the mind to move on a task is to start with a small portion of the whole.

Using the above example of the monthly report, you might wish to begin by gathering your data and other supplies necessary for completing the job.

This small action can put you in the right mindset to keep working on the rest. Getting started truly is half the battle. 


These suggestions can, and should, be tailored to fit your personality, preferences, work situation and lifestyle. Experiment a bit. Use the ones that work for you, and throw out the rest. You’ll likely be surprised by the significant effect a simple action can have on your motivation and therefore your productivity.

For more powerful motivation have a look at Motivation Made Simple – see 

I personally believe the first three tips in Motivation Made Simple should be the way you begin every new project, or whenever you hit a motivational slump to massively improve your success.


I’ve shared a few of my favourite motivation tips with you, but I’d love to hear how you motivate yourself.  

How do you keep yourself motivated?  Do you have routines or actions that work for you?

Benefits, Attributes and Skills of Successful Entrepreneurs

The process of designing, launching and running a new business, whether it is online or offline, requires a particular mindset and special skills to achieve success.  Even though some studies say more than 70% of people dream of running their own business, it’s fair to say that not everyone will succeed as an entrepreneur.

Starting and running your own business involves plenty of hard work and effort over time.  It requires you to learn new skills take consistent action and stay positive, even when times are tough.  And yet you also get to choose to do the work you like to do, and which makes the most of your strengths and skills.


For many people, the pride, purpose and even the money that can follow, makes all the hard work and effort worthwhile.  Ten of the benefits that entrepreneurs say come with being an entrepreneur include:

  • Autonomy
  • Opportunity
  • Impact
  • Freedom
  • Responsibility
  • Being your own boss
  • Time and family
  • Creating a legacy
  • Accomplishment
  • A sense of control. 

So what are the attributes of a successful entrepreneur? 

In order to succeed in your new business you will need to:

  • Believe in yourself
  • Be willing to take risks
  • Have passion for what you are doing
  • Have an inspiring vision
  • Be tenacious
  • Be willing to defy conventional wisdom
  • Be very flexible and willing to do what it takes
  • Be able to manage your fears of the unknown.  

If you have or are willing to develop those traits, you will increase your likelihood of becoming a successful entrepreneur.  

But you also need some very specific skills in order to succeed as an entrepreneur. Here are eight essential skills you will need to develop your new business to its full potential.


As a business owner, you will bombarded every day with a myriad of demands, crises and things to do.  It can be very easy to be distracted from the things that are most important. Successful business owners are skilled at determining what really matters and focussing on that.


Business involves many ups and downs.  Sometimes the downs can seem soul-destroying.  It is a skill to be able to move past them without allowing them to destroy your focus or even give up on your dream.

Management skills

A successful business owner needs to lead and manage people. 

Long term vision

The capacity to envision a future several years ahead can allow you to take the right steps every day to work towards your success without getting distracted. 


Entrepreneurs need to have great salesmanship skills in order to be able to enlist the support of others in achieving your dream.  


When you are the boss, you need to be able to depend on yourself.  It can be very lonely being in business and difficult to find anyone who understands what you are doing.  Self-reliance is a critical skill to possess for a successful entrepreneur.  


The ability to pause, reflect and learn from your mistakes or ‘near-misses’ is critical to your success as an entrepreneur.  Of course you not only need the ability to self-reflect, you need to do it regularly!


No entrepreneur knows everything they need to know when they first start out.  However most successful entrepreneurs are lifelong learners, committed to earning knowledge at every opportunity.  

If you would like to learn more about the Entrepreneur’s Mindset and How to Become A Successful Entrepreneur you will enjoy these tips.

How to Resist Persuasion

Resisting PersuasionYou may not always be aware of all the persuasion efforts that go on around you all day. 

Every day people are subjected to persuasive messages. It has been calculated that each person sees more than 300 of these messages each day. The majority of these messages come from advertising mediums including the television, radio, newspapers and magazines, billboards and on the internet and social media. 

Persuasive messages take many different forms including the more recognisable ones of commercials and advertisements that aim to make you want to buy things. Other forms of persuasion include those social messages that encourage you to take specific actions such as losing weight, avoiding drugs, stopping smoking or ‘going green’ campaigns. 

When you think about it the amount of persuasion we are bombarded with every day is almost overwhelming.  

While some of these messages are helpful, the daily dose of ‘Buy this!’, ‘Buy that!’ can get very annoying for everyone. 

Even children are targeted by persuasive messages. Cereal manufacturers advertise free toys on the outside of their boxes so children will pester their parents into buying them. Then there are those car commercials just making you want to go out and buy that brand new car! 


So how can you manage to resist all of this constant persuasion? 

Well, first of all, you need to be aware of the fact that you are being persuaded. This will help put you into a defensive mode and make resisting much of it easier. 

You can easily recognise this situation when you are at the car dealership or dress shop looking at cars or outfits. Immediately a sales person is attempting to persuade you to buy that new car or outfit. When this happens ask for a time out or back away from the situation. Tell the person you just want to look and you are not ready to make a decision yet. If necessary walk away from the situation. 

Another way to master resistance includes not shopping for items when you are tired or hungry. If you do, you may be rushed into making a decision that you will regret later on.  

This also applies when a work colleague is trying to persuade you to do or say something that you are not sure about.  If you are tired, or angry about something which has happened, it is easy to rush into a decision you may later regret.  Be firm about taking your time to make your decision so you have the opportunity to consult others and consider all the options.  There is nothing worse that a leader who is swayed by the last person they spoke to. 

Want to know more?

And if you want to know more about Persuasion for Busy Leaders, check out our guide here…

What really persuades?

Words have power

Have you ever wondered just how you can persuade others on your team to do what you want them to do?

In a management role it is possible to use your authority to tell someone to do something and they will do it (if you have the appropriate authority to do so).

It isn’t quite the same in a leadership role where you need to influence and inspire others to follow your lead. Then you need to be able to persuade them to join you and do what you want. And this pretty much comes down to the words you use and how you use them…

When it comes to persuading others, have you thought about whether you are passionate enough? If you are trying to persuade someone to do something and yet you are expressionless and emotionless then your chances of successfully persuading them to follow your lead are pretty slim.

If on the other hand you speak to them with passion and enthusiasm you are much more likely to inspire them and convince them to follow you and join your team.

Your words matter

Persuasion relies on your verbal skills to get the results you want. You want to incorporate enthusiasm and passion into your voice and your actions as a way of getting your point of view across.

You are not trying to manipulate or force anyone into something. Instead your aim is to persuade people that what you are asking is reasonable and even necessary. It is plausible and that it is something worth trying.

When you incorporate just the right amount of passion when you are speaking to your team, your persuasion will improve and you will start getting just what you want. Others will be keen to get on board with your vision and plans.

You will find more about Persuasion for Busy Leaders here…

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