Turning Your Vision into Reality

More than 70% of people dream of becoming an entrepreneur: being your own boss, following your passion, living the laptop lifestyle.  Yet so few actually take the leap and have a go at turning their vision into reality. 

Are you one of them?

Do you dream of living your purpose, sharing your expertise and making a good living from it?

Are you stuck in a job that no longer fulfils you? Have you gone about as far as you can go in your current role? 

Are you ready to make a difference and be rewarded for it?

Are you ready to turn your vision into reality?

If you answered yes to any of these questions it’s time you thought about turning your vision into reality by becoming an entrepreneur. 

I’m confident you can do it, just like I did so many years ago when I set up my own business as a consultant, speaker and coach. 

But don’t try and do it on your own.  There are lots of tips that can shave disappointment, struggle and failure from your journey.  Today I want to share three of them with you to get you started thinking about your journey as an entrepreneur. 

Tip 1. Understand why you want to be your own boss

Different people have different reasons for starting a business and it’s important to be clear on what yours are. 

  • Some people do it to be able to take charge of their time so they can be more available to  their family.  
  • Others for the autonomy: being in charge of their own destiny and choosing what to do, where to do it and when to do it.   
  • Some recognise a unique business opportunity where they anticipate making lots of money. 
  • Some entrepreneurs seek to make the sort of social impact that employment rarely allows. 
  • For some it’s a matter of personal leadership.  They start out on their own to fulfil their personal destiny by being able to fully bring themselves to what they do.

It doesn’t matter why you want to become your own boss.  

But it does matter that you clearly understand why you want to do it.  

Each of these reasons will result in you building a different type of business, and the worst thing you could do as an entrepreneur is build a successful business that you hate! 

Tip 2. Evaluate whether you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur 

There’s no doubt hard work is involved in building a business for yourself!  But every successful business owner I’ve coached and worked with has loved the hard work. Be prepared for the hard work and for having to learn new things every day.  No one starts out knowing everything they need to know to succeed.  

You also need to believe in yourself and your grand vision of how things will eventually be.  Sometimes these things can be harder than they might seem. That’s why so many successful people have a coach or at least some willing supporters.

Tip 3. Teach yourself some essential skills before you need them 

There are lots of transferable skills that will help you succeed in your own business, but today I want to focus on three of them.

  • Focus – Running your own business requires dealing with a multitude of factors and distractions on any given day.  Successful business owners plan what needs to be done and focus on the specific tasks necessary each day.  
  • Long-term Vision – While it can be easy to focus on what needs to be done in the immediate days or weeks at the same time you need to be able to plan years ahead of time and still work towards that long-term vision every day as well. 
  • Learning – Successful business owners are lifelong learners.  They look for every new (or old) idea that might bring them more success.  They know one small tip implemented today can bring great results for many years.  They take course, buy books and learn from others at every opportunity. 

As Anthony Robbins says: “There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.”

All you need is to discover your driving force and equip yourself with the right knowledge skills and mindset and you too can become an entrepreneur who turns vision into reality. 

Learn more with 101 Tips to Become A Successful Entrepreneur in The Entrepreneur’s Mindset at


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